Why Private Investigators use Drones in the UK

March 6, 2022 - Reading time: 7 minutes

As private investigators, we always try to keep an eye out for any new and up-and-coming technology which might assist us during investigations. Whether it’s covert cameras, advancements to GPS tracking technology, or any other gadget, private investigators rely on technology to secure the best possible results in every case.

Using drones in private investigation

It should come as no surprise that drones have been used by private investigators in the UK since the technology first started to hit the market.

Drones can be used by private investigators in a wide variety of different circumstances/cases, and are regularly used by private investigators across the UK.

Why private investigators use drones

1. During surveillance cases

Drones can be used to supplement traditional reconnaissance tactics during surveillance cases; however, they are not capable of replacing private investigators altogether. Most of the time when it comes to securing ‘the money shot’ and taking photos which clearly identify the subject of the investigation, you can’t beat an experienced investigator on the ground with suitable camera gear.

When used during surveillance cases, drones can help to survey an area, and to explore areas which would not otherwise be accessible to an investigator on the ground due to perimeter fencing or difficult terrain, for example.

2. Search and rescue operations

While perhaps not one of the more stereotypical reasons that you might think to hire a private investigator, when people go missing PIs are often asked to help find them; this includes search and rescue cases. 

Drones come into their element in cases where large areas of land need to be searched. Particularly if a person is thought to be injured or incapacitated, finding them as quickly as possible may prove to be key to their survival. Drones are perfect in such cases and are not typically slowed by terrain which might be difficult to access on foot.

3. Scene inspections

Another area where private investigators use drones is during scene inspections for insurance investigations. Whether the case concerns a road traffic collision, natural disaster or damage caused by fire, obtaining an aerial view over a scene can often help to bring the elements into perspective and paint a clearer picture in so doing.

Flying a drone in an English street

4. To gather evidence of trespassing

Trespassing can be a nuisance for many land owners, especially when it is accompanied with other hostile acts such as petty crime or vandalism. In such cases we can use drones to gather clear evidence of trespassing or anti social behaviour, and clearly demonstrate that a subject was accessing our client’s land without their consent.

5. For safety and security

Where drones are used during surveillance, our goal is to be discreet and for the subject not to notice the drone hovering above them. During close protection or counter surveillance cases however, drones can be used to gather evidence overtly. Overt use of a drone would mean deliberately allowing the subject to see that they are being observed by the device.

If a person knows that they are doing something they shouldn’t, a drone hovering ominously in front of them can act as a great visual deterrent.

Monitoring the perimeter of guarded areas can also be aided by drones.

6. To catch fly tippers

Many land owners in the UK are left to deal with the mess left behind by fly tippers. Fly tipping creates a nuisance and often enormous clean up bills for land owners.

Fly tipped rubbish has been known to contain building waste, contaminated waste, broken glass, asbestos, used syringes, toxic chemicals and other hazardous substances.

If a piece of land is subject to ongoing fly tipping then a detective agency may be called in to monitor the area through the use of surveillance and/or covert monitoring devices.

Catching fly tippers in rural areas is often challenging, and drones can sometimes be used to catch fly tippers during these investigations.

7. Gathering evidence of theft

If you suspect that someone might be stealing from you, then an experienced private investigator may be able to gather evidence using a drone. In certain situations and especially in rural areas; a drone may be able to gather images which might be impossible to obtain using conventional surveillance techniques.

Disadvantages to using drones

While we could write an entire article about the advantages of using drones during private investigations, it’s important to be aware of their limitations and potential drawbacks in some cases.

Noise created by drones

When it comes to using a drone discreetly, noise should be an important consideration. Often drones can be heard before they are seen; a competent drone pilot will need to understand how much distance they should keep from the subject in order to remain discreet and unheard.

As technology gradually gets better and better, the noise generated by drones has gradually decreased, and quality images can be gathered from a further distance thanks to the use of higher resolution cameras. 

Battery life

While some drones can fly for up to 50 minutes, most can only remain airborne for 10 – 30 minutes before needing to be recharged. As such, limitations caused by battery life are a main drawback to using drones during private investigations.

Some drones have removable batteries, in which case they can return to work after having their empty batteries replaced with charged ones. Otherwise the device will need to be recharged before it can continue to be used. 

Are private investigators allowed to use drones in the UK?

Yes, absolutely. As private investigators use drones for commercial purposes, they are required to obtain Permission for Commercial Operation from the UK Civil Aviation Authority.

Not only have all our drone operators received permission from the Civil Aviation Authority, we also boast extensive experience of using drones during private investigations across the UK.

Our drone operators have gradually honed their skills through hundreds or thousands of flight hours experience in both training and infield investigations. We believe experience is crucial and is always evidenced in our end results.

Hire a private investigator to use a drone

If you require a private investigator to capture footage or images for you using a drone, then please feel free to get in touch with one of our experienced team members for a free consultation or visit our homepage to learn more about us.

In order to provide you with a quote we will need all of the relevant details, not in least the post code where you require our assistance. Please include this information when contacting us. We provide free, no obligation quotes for all work.

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