When to walk from a cheating partner: Can I save my marriage?

November 1, 2023 - Reading time: 18 minutes

After infidelity has occurred and you're trying to determine whether it should end your marriage or continue on, making a choice may not be easy. An affair can bring with it feelings of anger, hurt and betrayal and constitutes a serious breach in trust - however it may be beneficial for both partners if discussions happen immediately to help start the process of rebuilding the relationship over time.

Reflect on your emotions, values and what is necessary in a relationship for you to feel appreciated and loved. Deciding whether or not to leave after an affair requires thoughtful deliberation and introspection - seek assistance from friends or reputable private investigators during this trying time.

A private investigator taking photos of a couple

At Private Investigators UK, we strongly advocate that hiring a professional to investigate infidelity is the optimal approach. By engaging the services of a private detective or investigator to probe infidelity, the risk of discovery is reduced while eliminating needless confrontation with your partner and suspicions can be quickly confirmed or allayed. Our UK team of private detectives offer discreet yet professional cheating partner investigations. Feel free to get in touch with us to discuss any concerns and learn how we can assist with furthering the investigation process.

Should I stay with my partner after they cheated on me?

Infidelity can have devastating repercussions for relationships. Determining if staying or leaving after an affair may be difficult, but you should consider these questions when making your decision:

Do you accept full responsibility for their actions and the actions of their partner? Can you work together on strengthening the relationship from hereon? Was this an isolated incident or was it ongoing? Are you both open and honest in how you communicate and how much transparency there is between the two of you? How can you prevent infidelity from occurring again?

Are you still in love, but suspect your partner is cheating? Infidelity requires us all to make tough choices about whether to stay or leave our relationships, but ultimately the decision lies with each individual themselves - only then should they seek advice from friends, therapists or investigators during this difficult period.

Common reasons to leave a partner after they cheated

  • Your partner has failed to apologise
  • Your spouse refuses to discuss infidelity
  • Infidelity has occurred over a prolonged period
  • You are tired of their lies
  • Your relationship lacks trust
  • They blame you for their actions and fail to take responsibility

Reasons to walk away from a cheating partner 

1. Your Partner Is Unwilling to Apologize

It could be a tell-tale sign of their unwillingness to accept responsibility for their acts against you, making it hard to recover and rebuild trust between both of you. Sincere apologies can go a long way towards rebuilding confidence between couples; when one party does not apologize it could mean they do not think what they did was wrong or they simply do not care how you feel; making excuses or blaming you may also indicate this; cheaters use this strategy when trying to avoid responsibility and consequences due to their actions against another partner - usually by using victimization techniques they avoid taking responsibility and accepting the consequences for what their actions caused them in real life.

Regaining someone's trust can be challenging without showing genuine regret for past errors and errors that you made yourself. Be honest and open with your partner about how their lack of apology has affected you; if they refuse to acknowledge and express regret for past wrongs committed against them then perhaps it is time to leave and find someone who respects boundaries and values trust more highly than they currently do.

2. Your Spouse Is Reluctant to Discuss Infidelity

This could be a tell-tale sign that they don't wish to discuss their affair; without open dialogue about this matter it will only compound matters further and build further distrust between you. Reducing communication could make matters worse than they already were!

If your partner avoids discussing an affair, this could be seen as an attempt to gloss over what has transpired and not address its core. Furthermore, this lack of engagement or consideration for your feelings could damage the relationship even further.

Silhouette of a couple arguing

If your partner avoids discussing or making attempts to repair things after an affair has taken place, or is not making efforts towards reconciliation, that could be an indicator that they're not serious about making amends and you should seek someone more responsive and respectful of your feelings.

3. Your Relationship Is Tired

Are you fed up with your partner? Feeling worn out after infidelity may lead you to consider ending the relationship; adultery can have serious repercussions for a person's mental and emotional health; rebuilding trust is difficult and sometimes stressful work, making a relationship seem futile at best and forcing it into termination altogether.

Take care to always prioritize yourself first when considering relationships - that means taking steps necessary for good mental and physical wellbeing; that may include ending it completely if that's best for both parties involved!

Prioritize your own needs and wellbeing even after experiencing infidelity in a relationship, even though it can be challenging. If you find yourself exhausted by the situation and see no way forward, perhaps now is the time to seek someone who values and appreciates you more - you deserve an enjoyable, stable relationship and it is never too late for change to occur.

4. Your Partner Is Unwilling To Put In the Work

If your partner seems unwilling to put forth the effort required to rebuild trust after an affair, this may indicate their lack of dedication to rebuild it. Rebuilding trust takes hard work and perseverance on both parts; when these components are absent it could indicate they don't want to invest the energy or commitment into making this journey together.

Work can be accomplished in many ways, including relationship counselling, open and honest communication, developing empathy and understanding/atoning for any wrongs committed. If your partner doesn't show interest or dismisses your concerns it may indicate they don't take responsibility for their actions or attempt to rectify the situation.

If your partner refuses to make an effort and commit to changing, then perhaps it is time for you to find someone else.

5. Your Spouse Remains In Contact with the Person they Cheated with

If your spouse continues to communicate with someone they cheated with, this could be seen as a red flag and indicate that they don't care about restoring your faith. Keeping in regular touch can exacerbate feelings of betrayal while destabilizing any attempts at reconciliation between themselves and you.

Discuss with your partner their continued communication with the person who cheated with you and how this affects the future of your relationship and how they behave when acting erratically. Be sure to set limits and hold your partner accountable for their actions.

A paper heart ripped in two

Depending on how often they continue speaking with the individual who cheated with you, your partner might not care about making amends and it might be time for them to leave the relationship altogether. Keep in mind that you deserve one where you feel valued and appreciated - if this relationship does not provide that sense of relief it might be best suited elsewhere.

6. Your Partner Lies Consistently

Any ongoing deceit from your partner after learning of infidelity should be seen as a red flag and as evidence they may not be committed to rebuilding trust within the relationship. Without honesty from them, maintaining any type of connection becomes increasingly challenging.

Relationships can become damaged by persistent lying. This could take the form of small lies to bigger ones; when your partner lies about their behaviour or emotions, this can erode trust between you two and lead to discord within the relationship.

If your partner continues to lie and behave out of character, it may be time for them to go. A relationship built on honesty and trust is important - ending any one that doesn't meet them is acceptable.

7. Your Partner Tries to Minimize Your Feelings

If your partner diminishes or belittles your emotions after discovering about infidelity, this should be taken as an indicator of their true feelings. Ideally, they should accept and acknowledge emotions ranging from anger to sadness as these can occur as part of processing and dealing with infidelity.

Set limits and hold your partner accountable for their actions. If your partner does not validate or acknowledge your feelings, it could be time for a breakup. Remember that you deserve an intimate relationship where feelings are acknowledged and valued; it is also permissible to end the relationship it if it no longer fulfils your needs.

8. Your Partner Refuses to Admit Liability

Blaming others can be used as a delaying tactic when trying to rebuild relationships; this may undercut efforts made at doing so and create mistrust between you. Instead, be honest and open with them about any behaviour that concerns you as well as any concerns for their future actions.

If your partner refuses to accept responsibility for their actions and instead blames others, it could be time for you to part ways. Remember that you deserve a relationship based on trust and accountability - if yours doesn't fulfil this basic requirement then it may be best for all involved to walk away.

9. They Feel No Regret

Most of us feel regret after inflicting suffering upon those we love, whether intentionally or otherwise. People who fail to acknowledge how their affair impacted their relationship will likely remain unaware and continue their actions in future without changing.

A lie has no legs

Regaining trust may be difficult after an affair if they refuse to apologize or show regret for their behaviour; you should have an honest discussion with them about any feelings or fears for the future that you may have caused by their lack of remorse.

If your partner refuses to apologize for their actions, then you should probably end the relationship immediately.

10. They Shift Blame

Doing this allows cheaters to avoid taking responsibility for their behaviour, leading to feelings such as betrayal and hampering efforts at repairing the relationship.

Remember that you cannot be held responsible for your partner's infidelity; and you can leave the relationship if it no longer meets your needs, as you deserve one based on trust, respect and responsibility.

Reasons not to divorce after cheating

1. Quality of Life

Before jumping to conclusions about divorce after an affair has taken place, it would be a good idea to stop and collect your thoughts; especially if your life with your partner has been fulfilling up until the point of infidelity being discovered.

While infidelity may cause great emotional pain, it's also important to acknowledge what aspects of your relationship might have been mutually beneficial in terms of goals, habits and experiences.

Divorce can be emotionally challenging and life-altering for both parties involved, especially if both have invested heavily in their relationship, such as jointly owned assets including businesses or properties.

2. The Effects Divorce Could Have on Children

Divorce can have lasting consequences for both spouses, but particularly on their children, which may make some reluctant to file for divorce after infidelity has taken place. Children may feel unprotected during proceedings which threatens their sense of stability and security, leading to greater stress for everyone involved.

Children may struggle to adjust to changes in family dynamics as they experience sadness, anger and confusion. When moving homes or adapting to schedule shifts they can experience anxiety or tension which can have negative and far reaching impacts on them.

Making the decision to divorce after an affair can be a challenging one, depending on many different factors such as its impact on children, as well as whether both parties want to work through issues themselves. You should carefully weigh these considerations, seeking assistance from family, friends or private investigators when necessary.

3. Its Impact on Your Happiness

Some may opt to remain together after having an affair because of its potential effects on their happiness. They still feel connected with their partner, believing it worthwhile to preserve the relationship despite infidelity having taken place.

In some instances, partners may be able to resolve the issues that led to infidelity in order to restore their trust between themselves. Counselling or therapy may be necessary in order to address underlying issues, improve communication channels and develop coping mechanisms.

Establishing boundaries and communicating openly about needs and expectations are keys to creating relationships that bring you both joy and contentment in the long run. 

How Can I Rebuild My Marriage After Infidelity and Lies?

Repairing a marriage damaged by adultery or deceit may seem impossible at times, but with hard work, commitment, and tolerance it can be done. Counselling provides a safe space in which couples can explore issues that led to lies and adultery while developing communication and coping techniques together with licensed therapists who will guide this process with support and guidance along the way.

Acknowledging responsibility for one's actions is also of the utmost importance. A cheater should express genuine sorrow, accept accountability and work towards rebuilding trust with those affected by their behaviour; partners who feel betrayed should feel free to express themselves openly in an attempt at reconciliation.

Communication must be honest. Both partners should feel free to express their views without fear of rejection; honesty is key, with neither partner criticising or blaming the other... In order to restore trust, it is also vital that clear boundaries are set: such as avoiding any contact with the person that your partner cheated on you with, being truthful about their whereabouts and activities, discussing difficult emotions openly, etc.

After adultery or lying has happened, it takes time and energy to rebuild a relationship. Being patient while the healing process happens at its own pace is key; eventually stronger relationships may emerge regardless of obstacles that have arisen. You must look ahead as you acknowledge any pain that has been caused, while simultaneously envisioning a future full of success and fulfilment.

Private Investigators UK

If you suspect that your partner could be cheating on you, then don't confront them without solid evidence. Our team of experienced UK detectives can help to check whether you are being cheated on and gather proof.

Hiring a private investigator to gather proof of infidelity or adultery can help when confronting your partner about their actions; in addition, the evidence may prove helpful if you subsequently decide to build a case against them for divorce.

We offer free, no pressure quotes for all work. Feel free to get in touch with us if you would like a quote - please include your UK postcode and any relevant details so that we can assess your case, calculate and travel time and provide a quotation.

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